Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Software and Hardware Asset Management

The management of physical resources includes their selection, maintenance; renewal and inspection plays an important role in finding the operational presentation and profitability of industries that uses the assets as part of their core business. Asset Management is kind of art and science for taking right decisions and optimizing these resources.

Software asset management

Software Asset Management applies to the business practices specific to software management, including configuration management, standardization of images and compliance to regulatory and legal restrictions such as copyright law and software publisher contractual compliance. Software Asset Management also includes an accurate audit of all software applications installed on client PC’s across the network. Also Software Asset Management reduces the risk of virus infection and security breaches

Hardware asset management

Hardware asset management entails the management of the physical components of computers and computer networks, from purchase through disposal. Hardware asset management tracks and manages the entire life cycle of your computer assets and provides workflows to deal with the processes for control, audit and settlement of authorized versus deployed assets.

Software and Hardware Assset management

What Five Rivers Offer :

  • Asset Audit - Site visit to take a complete hardware and software inventory which we enter into our database.
  • Full maintenance plan when new hardware or software is purchased
  • Systems documentation ensuring your inventory is kept up to date as changes are made to your systems environment
  • Software license compliance to ensure you have enough licenses to maintain your software usage
  • Maintain renewals, informing you in plenty of time when your subscriptions or support contracts are expiring

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